News Articles
New Street Light
Posted on Jun 28th, 2021
Duke Energy installed a street light near the south pond on Jamestown Drive this week. The idea was raised at the annual meeting in February 2020 because of poor lighting in that area due to no homes on that side of the street. The permit to install the light was put on hold by the city last year due to the 5G project, which is now on hold.
The HOA also requested a quote from Duke install new lighting at our entrance to replace the pole that was struck by a car 2 years ago. Unfortunately, it's not feasible to go with Duke because they are unwilling to use the existing electrical site(s) at the entrance. Therefore, we are exploring options with private companies to replace the missing light post up front. Updates to follow.
Comment By: Laura Meyer
Posted on Jun 28, 2021
Could the light that is at the back of the island entrance be moved to replace the one that was hit 2 years ago????? One of the new “security” lights is going to be placed by the east pond.